Refinancing your existing loans

Save money through refinancing your loans

Hi ,

Refinancing your existing loans

I hope this email finds you well and you had a lovely summer.

We’ve recently assisted several clients in refinancing their existing facilities from Wesleyan and TSB, helping them save significantly on their repayments and allowing them to access new funds for freehold purchases, practice expansion, or acquiring another site. Refinancing their loans not only reduced their repayments but also unlocked new financial opportunities.

You may not be aware, but both Wesleyan and TSB have ceased lending to commercial clients. This change limits your ability to borrow further with them, and without refinancing, you might find your growth and expansion options restricted. Additionally, Wesleyan’s interest rates are notably higher compared to current market rates for healthcare lending, so refinancing could lead to substantial savings.

If you’re interested in reviewing your existing loans or exploring new funding opportunities, we’d be delighted to assist. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Samera for a no-obligation, free discussion about your options.

You can contact Nigel or Dan, our resident Samera Financing experts directly at:

Alternatively, you can book a call directly with them on their Calendly links on the link below:

We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Kind regards

Arun Mehra FCA