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  • How to Manage the Accounts and Finance function for a Dental Group for Maximum Value

How to Manage the Accounts and Finance function for a Dental Group for Maximum Value

Free Webinar - 29th May 2024

Hi Samera community!

I trust you are keeping well.

Do you have more than 1 dental practice? Yes? Then this email is specifically for you.

Lately, our accounting team have been working with a mixed bag of Dental groups, so we have put together our six tips on “How to manage the accounting and finance function of a Dental group or DSO”.

You can read this on the link below:

Free webinar - 29th May 7 pm UK time

In addition, we are hosting a webinar on this topic next week, so if you have more than one practice, I would encourage you to attend this free webinar. We are talking tech and accounting coming together to streamline your practice performance to help you run a better group.

You can sign up on the link below:

If you need any further help do get in touch

Kind regards

Arun Mehra FCA